The AI4Nomads Revolution for Innovation & Economic Empowerment
Our Innovation Strategy
Humans IN the Loop
Global community with different cultural meanings for labels to train AI
AI & HI Trained Annotators for Higher Accuracy
Quality control using human intelligence and artificial intelligence
Humans ON the loop
Humans must be involved at all stages including post deployment
Our Impact strategy
We have a three pronged approach to ensure diversity in AI, eradicate poverty and equip everyone to thrive in the fourth industrial revolution.
Launch full stack Data Labeling on Mobile
Bring accuracy and lower costs in Computer Vision by using the latest technology to make labeling as easy as ordering food
Train Millions in AI literacy on a Mobile
Diversity and Inclusion of everyone removes biases in the training data and the only way to do that is to bring more people from all parts of the globe to this industry
Equitable Pay Instantly on a Mobile
Currently Data Labeling is a modern day sweatshop with lowest pay across borders. At AI4Nomads, we believe It is possible to pay fair and play fair to all stakeholders.
Abraham Lincoln
"The best way to predict the future is to create it"
Meet the Founder
Susanna Raj
Susanna is a nationally recognized AI Ethics & Inclusive AI instructor, and an Affective Computing & Cognitive Science researcher with 7+ years of experience. Previously Researcher @Intel Anticipatory Computing Lab & Language Data Collection Researcher @ Amazon Lab126. She is an ACM, NeurIPS/WiML published researcher, a prolific writer, and an established artist.